
The Mount Barker Community Resource Centre is committed to providing quality services to members of the Shire of Plantagenet region. We offer a range of services including:
- Administration Services (Photocopying, Printing, Faxing, Binding and Laminating.)
- Short and long term Room hire (Standard Offices, Small and large Meeting Rooms, Commercial Kitchen, Auditorium.)
- Equipment Hire (Laptops, Projectors and Projector Screens.)
- I.T. Support
- Workshops/Training Sessions
- Centrelink Agency Services
- Food Relief Agency
- Emergency Relief
Government booths
All CRCs have 3 computers dedicated to providing free internet access and printing for Government information. We also provide a diverse range of brochures, fact sheets and booklets on government and non-government services available to you.
If you have any input or ideas into the development of our centre, please feel free to contact us.
Our vision
The Community Resource Network (CRN) will deliver quality social, business and economic outcomes to support sustainable growth in regional communities.
We will build strong partnerships and develop as an innovative, responsive and connected Network.
Albany Community Legal | 9842 8566 |
Anglicare WA | 9845 6666 |
APM | 1800 276 276 |
AtWork | 1300 080 856 |
HHG Legal Group | 9841 2322 |
Mount Barker Baptist Church – John | 0407 976 388 |
Mount Barker Toy Library | 0428 877 728 : Monday – Thursday: 9am-4pm |
YOGA | 0428 114 148 |